The Story

With the love of the stage in his heart but feeling frustrated with the humdrum, dime-a-dozen dance troupes on Broad Street, Duke embarks on a mission to build an entertaining and original dance troupe from a ragtag group of girls scattered across the city. Together, Duke and the team, now dubbed “the Puppettes,” aim to break out on Broad Street and become the best dance group of the town. But when a mysterious rival troupe appears called “the Purrlesques” who are also trying to strut their way to fame, there’s only room for one group on the grand stage of Broad Street and now it’s time for a showdown! But are the Purrlesques really the ones they should be worried about?

The Puppettes are a ragtag bunch of mid-century dog-based showgirls who quickly learn that only by coming together as a strong, supportive dance troupe, can they all high-kick their way to fame!

Click for more information on each girl!